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Mother’s Day is a very special time for us at Hope Fragrances. Hope, the Uplifting Fragrance, was the manifestation of a daughter’s love for her mother who struggled with depression throughout her life. We chatted with Audrey Gruss about this most bittersweet moment in time and about Hope, her mother and Hope, the fragrance.


1. What was your Mother (emphatically) right about and how did her advice lead to your work at Hope For Depression Research Foundation?

My mother Hope was right about a lot of things. She used to tell me that I must be strong on my own so that I can be strong in a relationship. She was always adamant the need for young women to have fortitude, autonomy, and self-sufficiency. I was advised to always have a 5-year plan to work toward as a career woman. These pieces of advice have helped me move forward in both my career and romantic life as a young woman. But the thing my mother was most emphatically right about was to do what you love and to follow your passion.  This speaks of persistence, of never giving up, and finding your niche. It’s what differentiates you and makes you special in this great big world. Since her passing, my true calling has been around depression and the never-ending quest to find a cure.

We put together the right teams of doctors and researchers; we reached people that want to help fund the work; we honored well-known people in the public eye to help raise awareness. This included celebrities like Michael Phelps, Ashley Judd and last year’s honoree Dakota Johnson.

Audrey Gruss and Dakota Johnson at the HDRF Luncheon in 2023.

Some celebrities suffering with depression can connect well with others and can really help raise awareness, having experienced the depths of this illness as well as the ebbs and flows of living with it. That’s my passion and I’m involved everyday. It is highly fulfilling as we work toward finding new treatments and an ultimate cure.

2. What was your Mother’s gift or talent and what would have been her absolute dream job? Did she pass this talent to you?

Race of Hope in SouthHampton, NY 2022.

My mother had a talent for bringing forth the best in each person. Even in her toughest times she had the ability to motivate and encourage us to be our best. She was a wonderful school teacher and always emphasized the importance of education in our lives. She had the uncanny ability to console, inspire, and empathize with almost anyone.

I think my mother did pass on some of her talents and creative abilities to me. 18 years ago I founded Hope for Depression Research Foundation.  Every day since, I have tried to inspire and motivate our team. We have the most positive group of people whose main purpose is to raise awareness about depression and its related afflictions. HDRF brings people together and inspires them to this noble goal. They also work with our scientists and researchers to find new treatments for this issue which is one of the world’s major health problems.

3. If you could give your Mother one gift, what would it be?

I would give my mother the knowledge, the affirmation that her life touched many. Her inspiration continues even today. I hope my mom knows that she raised a daughter who has made it her own life’s mission to continue her legacy.

4. What message do you have specifically for mothers and daughters this Mother’s Day?

Natalie Sondike and Glodine Anderson and their daughters.

The mother-daughter bond is one of the most cherished familial relationships. Mothers take such pride in their daughters and marvel how quickly they go from toddling around when they are little to showing their talents to the world. A daughter learns so much about how to navigate life from her Mom, being the primary role model in her live. Us daughters garner our strengths from our moms, we benefit when we see them act with resolve, or show vulnerability. When they struggle, they help shape a path for us. Being yourself, showing your fortitude and even moments of failure is beneficial to daughters in how they tackle life challenges and face the world. Through the flow of your relationship, always be gentle to each other and put love above everything else!

5. Which Hope product are you most excited about this Mother’s Day?

Almost every year I give the Hope Night Gift Set to some of the mothers in my life. It’s a collection of the delicious scent of Hope Night, in a full size bottle that can be displayed on your vanity, and a travel-size that you can take with you when you travel!

Elegant and sensual, the scent is a head-turner and the travel size comes in handy for those weekend trips to weddings, graduation and other family gatherings.

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